Friday, August 22, 2008

Food, Glorious Food

A brief entry before I retire to bed.
One can buy a wide variety of food from street vendors here, mostly from little wooden three-wheeled carts, which are pushed up and down the streets. Just to name a few, there are vendors selling: bulk nuts (they have scales on their carts), all manner of fruits and vegetables (including whole watermelons), juice (which they squeeze in front of you), corn on the cob, chickpeas and rice, sandwiches, assorted meats and fish, tea, breads and pastries, shellfish (which seems like a particularly bad idea, eating mussels that sit in a cart in the hot sun all day), and even desserts. 

This evening i bought a rice pudding from a dessert vendor who pushes a little cart of cakes and puddings all around Sultanahmet. I didn't think I liked rice pudding, but it was delicious. I think everything tastes best when it is bought off the street.
dessert cart
Good night.

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